Privacy Ordinance

Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the "Ordinance")

Relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance with amendment afterward. This circular sets out the obligations and policies of Whirlpool (Hong Kong) Ltd ("Whirlpool Hong Kong") under the Ordinance.

Personal Data

We hold details of our customers including names, addresses, telephone numbers and Email address, together with other information which may be necessary for the provision of our services.

Ways of Collection Data

  • Information shared by our customer through our website or apps, by email or phone etc.
  • Information from our customers online interactions through cookies and similar tracking technologies.
  • Information within communications from our customers (such as emails and live chats) and information about how our customers have engaged with email and live chat communications that we have sent you.
  • Publicly available information from our customers' social media interactions with us or posts about us.
  • Information from third party data providers to whom you have given your permission to share your data.


From time to time it is necessary for customers to supply us with data in connection with the opening or continuation of customer accounts and the provision of other related facilities and services.

The purposes for which data may be used are as follows:

  • daily operation of our services;
  • conducting customer, product and service surveys;
  • subject to the requirement of the Ordinance, including maintenance contract, direct marketing of products, joint promotion and promotional activities;
  • the handling of customer complaints and enquiries; and matters directly related thereto.

Transfer of Personal Data

Personal data held by us relating to customer will be kept confidential but we may provide such information to:

  • subsidiaries and associated companies within Whirlpool group;
  • any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides services to Whirlpool group in connection with the operation of our business;
  • the media (in related to the handling of customer complaints and enquiries in certain circumstances)
  • any person who owes a duty of confidentiality to the Whirlpool group.

Browsing information collected from you (Cookies)

We use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about you when you visit the Our Website and our other related websites ("Sites"). Cookies are files that store information on your computer hard drive or browser that mean that we can recognise that you have visited our Sites before. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our Sites, by evaluating the use of our Sites and reviewing your browsing and shopping habits, personalizing your website experience, evaluating website activity on our Sites and generally making our Sites easier to use.

The types of data we may collect from you when you visit the Sites include:
  • information about the type of browser you use;
  • details of the web pages you have viewed;
  • your IP address;
  • the hyperlinks you have clicked; and
  • the websites you visited before arriving at our Site.

You may refuse to accept Cookies (by modifying the relevant Internet options or browsing preferences of your computer system), but to do so you may not be able to utilize or activate all of the functions and services of our Sites.

Access, Correction and Deletion of Personal Data

As a data subject, you have a right under the Ordinance to check whether Whirlpool (Hong Kong) Ltd holds personal data on you , to obtain a copy of that data and to correct any data relating to you which in inaccurate. Requests for access to data or correction or deletion of data should be in writing and made to:

The Data Protection Officer

Consumer Appliances Service Ltd.
12/F., Wilson Logistics Centre,
24-28 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories

Administration fee may be charged towards administrative expenses in complying with access requests.

If you do not wish to receive any promotional materials other than those relating to home appliances service, please write to us at the above address (stating your name, address and telephone numbers) so that your wishes can be recorded.

(If there is any inconsistency or conflict between English and Chinese version of this circular, the English version shall prevail)

Whirlpool (Hong Kong) Limited